Nancy Johnson

I work in the Weingarten Office in Phoenix , AZ, and oversee the Nevada portfolio with Valorie and Susan.

Prior to the Analyst Tour on May 26, I drove the centers and was very pleased with how nice they looked . This is contributed to you and the Malco team. My thanks goes out to all who took the extra time to make the centers shine.

Susan and Valorie sing your praises often . It is times like this when the requests are many that Malco makes Valorie’s and Susan’s jobs so much easier.

Thanks again for your continued dedication to the Weingarten properties, and Valorie and Susan.

Have a great day!

Nancy JohnsonSenior Regional Manager
Barbara A. Kraus

The owner of Hutton and the manager/owner of the Rubio’s commented on how great the center looks with the new dayporter – please pass this along to Abel and the dayporter (George?).

A few nice words goes a long way!

Barbara A. Kraus
Larry G. Larson

I want to thank you for all your fine work in getting the Anaheim Plaza ready for the property tour. The word I received from the tour members was they were very pleased with how the center looked. I know this was due in large part to your diligent efforts.

Thank you again for helping make the tour a complete success.

Larry G. LarsonProperty Manager